Vibrant Health Roadmap

As you go through your discovery process, and learn more and more about the obstacles and imbalances that are keeping you from reaching your health goals, we recommend that you use the Unstoppable Health Roadmap as a blueprint to guide you throughout the program.

If you prefer to track things in digital form, we’ve given you access to a Master Health Tracker spreadsheet HERE:

Action Steps

Begin to Complete Your Unstoppable Health Roadmap

Reminder: Print a copy of your Unstoppable Health Roadmap and update it as you complete your evaluations.

As you complete your evaluations, you transfer the results to the printed version of your Unstoppable Health Roadmap.  After you’ve accumulated all your details, thoughts, and plans, transfer your notes to the official roadmap that was included with your ERC binder and hang it on your wall to inspire you.

Unstoppable Health Roadmap: Print on legal-size paper and use as a rough draft for tracking your assessments and goals.

Fill in sections of Your Master Health Tracker

The exact items displayed in this screenshot video will change as we update the programs, documents, and assessments.  A new version will be recorded once the new site is live.


Downloads: Audio (Mp3)


pdf documentMaster Health Tracker – Lab Spreadsheet Guide: This document contains a review how to use the Lab Results tab in the Master Tracker Spreadsheet.


PDF versions of most frequently used documents