The best way to determine your success in the program is to know where you are when you begin and compare your results at the end.

Here you’ll find a collection of discovery tools to help you get started.

Watch the video and complete the steps below.


Download: Video (Mp4)

Assess Yourself Action Steps

Determine your insulin resistance risk score

Insulin Resistance Assessment: Determine your insulin resistance score at the beginning, mid-way point, and end of the program (you don’t need a testing kit to complete this assessment). Know you’re on the right track as you see the numbers change.  Understand when you need to shift gears if what you’re doing is not showing results.

Complete the lifestyle overview quizzes

Lifestyle ProtocolsEach assessment is a short, multiple-choice questionnaire (the Diet & Nutrition assessment has two parts as it’s one of the more important areas for making change).

  1. Fitness
  2. Diet & Nutrition
  3. Attitude & Stress
  4. Sleep
  5. Timing

Tracking your Measurements - B4 Be Gone

Complete the Body Measurements and Fitness Test assessments

Re-assessing the changes in your body along the way will allow you to compare and see how much progress you’ve made and determine if your route is working or if you need course correction to get you there more directly.

pdfBody Measurements Tracker


pdfFitness Test Assessment: This document also contains a chart so you can see how your performance rates based on age and gender.

Suggested: Take and upload your photo before finding your Sweet Spot

Seeing is believing. Take a couple photos of your body, front and profile view, so that you will have a clear visual indicator of the progress you make by the end of the program. You will feel and see your results clearly!

(Optional) Get Blood Testing Done at a Lab

pdfLab Testing for Insulin Resistance and Blood Sugar Dysregulation: It’s a good idea to get as much of our recommended testing done at the beginning of the program as your budget allows. Follow-up testing at the end of the program shows you how much progress you’ve made.

All of the blood tests can be ordered through your doctor.  If he or she won’t order for you, and you live in the US (certain states excluded) you can order through  Your Lab Work, where you’ll find my special Sweet Spot Panel, available HERE. If you’ve already had some of the testing done, or you’d like more extensive testing done, you can order individual tests HERE

Reference the 3 Critically Important Lab Tests e-book for more details about insulin, glucose and hemoglobin a1C:

Advanced Tools for Calculating Insulin Resistance Severity From Blood Test Results

toolsHemoglobin A1C to Blood Glucose Converter Tool: As you’ve discovered in the lab document above, hemoglobin A1C is a measure of how sugar coated your red blood cells are. This tool estimates your average blood glucose from your hemoglobin A1C. This average is 24 hours a day, so it reflects fasting glucose averaged with post-meal glucose. The ideal range of hemoglobin A1C is 4.5 to 5,  US measures, mg/Dl) which converts to 4.2 – 5.4 mmol/L international units.


toolsHOMA-IR Calculator: HOMA-IR stands for Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance. It indicates the presence of and the extent of insulin resistance you might currently express. It is a great way to see the relationship between your fasting blood sugar and fasting insulin. Fasting insulin ideal range is 2-5 US, 13.9 – 34.722 international.

Healthy Range: 1.0 (0.5 – 1.4)

Less than 1.0: Optimal insulin-sensitivity

Above 1.9: Early insulin resistance

Above 2.9: Significant insulin resistance