Making Peace with Your Gut Bonus Page
Webinar from GREEN Cleanse
November 2012

Note: Right-click on links and choose “save link as” to download files to your computer.

VideoMaking Peace with Your Gut (download link): On this call you’ll learn strategies to add to your cleanse to heal and repair your gut and enhance digestion. You’ll get the opportunity to be able to check-in, get help with any challenges, and even get some spotlight coaching from Dr. Ritamarie. There will also be time for a Q&A session.



Click on the audio players to listen to audio-only versions of the video recording. The recordings may take a few moments to begin.

Mp3 Audio RecordingMaking Peace with Your Gut – Presentation and Q&A (download link) (Mp3)

WARNING: The above audio/video files may be large and may take a long time to download.

Handouts and Resources

Making Peace with Your Gut Video Slides: View the slides that accompany the call and take notes as you follow along.


Making Peace with Your Gut – 3 Slides per page with Notes: An alternative version of the slides that you can print in black and white and use to take notes as you follow along. For best black and white results, use your printer’s “grayscale” setting if available.


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