Discover What’s Holding You Back From Experiencing the Comfort, Joy, and Energy in Your Life You Desire and Deserve and Identify the Key Strategies That Will Take Your Health to the Next Level.

If you’re tired of brain fog, belly fat, muscle and joint pain, or lack of energy to enjoy your favorite activities,
then Dr. Ritamarie has good news for you!

  • Do you find yourself constantly stressed out or wiped out?
  • Are you struggling with chronic pain or limitation in your movement due to an inflammatory condition for which your doctor has no solution?
  • Do you feel that your diet and habits just may be contributing factors, yet you’re confused about the exact course of action that will provide lasting relief?

If so, you’re not alone.

While many of your friends and colleagues may find relief by following this diet or that exercise plan, you may need a bit more hand-holding to discover what YOUR body needs to achieve your health potential.

You do NOT need to suffer.

Nor do you need to go the path alone.

With Dr. Ritamarie’s guidance, you CAN discover just the right blend of habits, natural therapies, and nutritional protocols to rebalance YOUR unique body and allow you to experience high energy, comfort, and JOY.

Your personal “Vibrant Energy Discovery Consultation” with Dr. Ritamarie is the first step towards creating vibrant health, maximum energy, and a lean, comfortable body that allows you to enjoy your life to the fullest.

During this consultation, we’ll take a look at your top health goals and start to uncover what’s keeping them at arm’s length. During this call we’ll map out 3 steps you can take immediately to upgrade your health dramatically.

A Discovery Health Consultation Will Provide Immediate Action Steps:

  • Help with identifying a bold health goal and time frame within which to complete it
  • 3 steps you can take immediately to ensure that your diet and lifestyle habits support you in reaching your health goals
  • All the information you need to make an informed decision about the support you need to overcome your current health challenges and experience the vibrant health you desire and deserve

Here’s What You Need and What We Include to Get You Feeling Better:

  • Pre-call Online Health Evaluation, reviewed in advance by Dr. Ritamarie (value $47)
  • Phone Consultation with Dr. Ritamarie, in the Comfort of Your Own Home (value $275)
  • The first 3 steps you can take immediately to draw your health goals within your reach.
  • Recommended steps for you to take to get the support you need to overcome your current obstacles and effectively achieve your desired level of health.

In addition, you’ll receive the following Bonuses
~ valued at $41 ~

Bonus 1 Transforming Stress Recording, Action Guide and Transcript (value $17)
Bonus 2 Greens Your Key to Vibrant Health e-Book (value $12 )
Bonus 3 Drink Your Greens e-Book (value $12 )

Total value $363
Beth Eikman
Freelance Writer,
College Professor

Austin, Texas
“You challenged me to change my relationship with food and my overall health went from functional to optimal. “

Before we started working together I was suffering from the effects of several years of chronic, massive fungal infection. I had been on pharmaceutical anti-fungals off and on for almost a decade (from which I probably have permanent liver damage).

After about two weeks of following your advice the infection cleared and has never returned. My digestive system is no longer a constant problem and maintaining a healthy weight is much easier.

I got completely off of sugar of all kinds and followed an alkalizing diet. I got healthier and more self-aware.

I had always felt kind of mystified about my chronic ill health until I met you. You challenged me to change my relationship toward food and my overall health went from functional to optimal. I have more strength and energy at age 43 than I have ever had in my life.

I appreciate most the way you have changed my thinking about my health. I feel like I have influence over the way I feel. If I don’t feel well, the first thing I do is look at my lifestyle choices: how am I exercising, sleeping, eating? What can I do to adjust? Incredibly empowering.

Thank you and keep up the good work. You are making a difference in so many people’s lives.
Availability is Limited!
We only have room for a few
new clients each month.
Total Investment in Your Health is
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I have a limited number of time slots reserved for these consultations, and they will fill up quickly so reserve your consultation soon.


Yes, Dr Ritamarie! I want to take my first bite towards creating vibrant health and I want to get started right away.

I’ll get a 30 minute personal Discovery Consultation.
Before the call, I’ll complete a Health Questionnaire.
During the call I will be guided to set one health goal and have the first few steps outlined for reaching my goal.
I’ll get an email within minutes confirming my order and another email directing me to a page where I can download and complete my Health Questionnaire and schedule my appointment.
I understand that all orders are processed on a 100% Secure Server.

Investment in Your Health $197
Order Now!
(All Orders Are Processed On A 100% Secure Server)

Feedback from others whose Lives have been forever changed…
Deanna Goodson
Web Health Writer

Austin, Texas
“All you have to do is be open to change and be willing to take the first step. Go for it! You don’t have to suffer and life can (and does) get better!”

I have been a client of Dr. Ritamarie’s for several years. Although I still have quite a bit of weight to lose, I know that I will get there with Dr. Ritamarie’s loving and patient guidance.

She gives you all the knowledge and the tools you need to succeed and the room to grow.

The process is amazing. I am living, breathing proof that you can transition from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to a whole foods diet without missing out on anything. Whole foods rock! Even my family is getting on the whole foods bandwagon.

Working with Dr. Ritamarie will change the way you look at yourself, your life and perhaps, even the world. You’ll amaze yourself, and the best part of it is, that you won’t be alone.

You have the guidance of someone who’s been there and who will be there for you.

All you have to do is be open to change and be willing to take the first step.

Go for it! You don’t have to suffer and life can (and does) get better!
Order Now!
Karen O
Music Teacher,

Austin, Texas
“I haven’t had strep or a sinus infection or had to go to an MD in 7 years!”

I thought that I had a pretty healthy diet. I didn’t eat refined sugar or refined grains or meat. However, I was getting sinus infections and antibiotics every couple of months almost my entire life. I got strep every winter.

About 7 years ago, I got a sinus infection that just would not go away. After 6 months of different antibiotics, a friend suggested that I see Dr. Ritamarie. Dr. Ritamarie helped me to get off of dairy, wheat and juice and to incorporate more greens into my diet. She made it very easy by providing great tasting, simple recipes for healthy substitutions for the “junk” that I had been eating. I didn’t ever feel like I was missing anything.

I had been eating 85 to 90 percent of my diet as raw foods for a few years. After learning more and more (Dr. Ritamarie makes it easy), I decided to try 100 percent raw a year ago. At 47, I feel better than I ever have in my life.

That chronic sinus infection went away, and I haven’t had strep or a sinus infection or had to go to an MD in 7 years.

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Limited Availability!
Special Price Now Available…
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Refund Policy

Please Note: Once an appointment is scheduled with Dr Ritamarie or health questionnaire forms are submitted, a series of steps in our system are initiated to prepare for your consultation. Thus, the following is the refund policy associated with a Discovery Consultation:

  • A 100% refund can be requested within 3 days of purchase, unless the appointment is scheduled or questionnaire forms are submitted. Once forms are submitted, no refund is possible.
  • Beyond 3 days after purchase or after an appointment with Dr. Ritamarie has been scheduled a 50% refund will only be possible if questionnaire forms have not been submitted to us.
  • NO refund can be given after questionnaire forms are submitted for our analysis, within 48 hours of an appointment or for a missed appointment.
  • Appointments can be rescheduled to another day if we receive request at least 48 hours in advance of scheduled appointment, so that time may be appropriately reallocated.

Love, Health and Joy,

Dr. Ritamarie L


Dr. Ritamarie L – MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
The Women’s Fatigue Expert and Vibrant Health Mentor

‘Creating Vibrant Health One Bite at a Time’