Body Freedom Foundations (BFF) Program
Training Call: Restful Sleep
November 15th, 2018


Downloads: Video (Mp4) | Audio (Mp3) | Chatlog

WARNING: The above audio/video files may be large and may take a long time to download.

Suggested Implementation Actions

  • Watch the video “Getting A Good Night’s Sleep For Optimal Health, Vitality, & Longevity,” which you can access on the Getting A Good Night’s Sleep page HERE.
  • Observe and track your current sleep routine for a few days, and answer the questions under #1 on the same page as the video.
  • Complete the Sleep Assessment HERE.
  • Start moving your bedtime back towards 11:00 pm, or earlier, ideally 10:00 pm.
  • Schedule to get 7 – 8 hours of sleep a night, as often as possible. Even if you’re not sleeping, at least be in bed doing something relaxing.  
  • If you eat close to bedtime, start increasing the distance between your last food intake and bedtime, until it’s at least 3 hours.
  • Post in the BFF Facebook group and let us know how you did – take a picture if appropriate.
  • Attend our Office Hours call on December 12th, 2018 at 6:00 pm CT and let’s discuss. Access (Password: zyvuqe)