Body Freedom Foundations (BFF) Program
Training Call: Diet
February 7th, 2019

Part 1: Introduction


Downloads: Video (Mp4)

Part 1: Presentation


Downloads: Video (Mp4)

Downloads: Audio (Mp3) | Chatlog

WARNING: The above audio/video files may be large and may take a long time to download.

Part 2:


Downloads: Video (Mp4) | Audio (Mp3) | Chatlog

WARNING: The above audio/video files may be large and may take a long time to download.


Suggested Implementation Actions

  • Check out the Shopping/Meal Planning resources on the Nutrition – Recipe Creation & Meal Planning page HERE.
  • Look at the recipe e-books page.  There are 15 books listed, but don’t let that overwhelm you.  Take a look at the ones that call to you. Glance through one or two a day, and try out something new. Print out a few to have handy while you are in your kitchen, so you can take notes for future reference. You could start a folder with your favorites.
  • Complete the Brain Assessment HERE.
  • Post in the BFF Facebook group and and let us know how your venture into this Diet pillar is going. Have you found a new favorite recipe yet? Post a picture. Have you started to use any new herbs and spices?
  • Attend our Office Hours call and let’s discuss.